Forest Heights Trojans


Slopitch Team


2014 FHCI Trojans Varsity Slopitch Team

Your Trojan Coaching Staff: 

Coach McIvor, Coach Thomas, Coach Reidel , Coach Ozimok, Coach Frake

2015 Season

Upcoming Events in in Trojan Slopitch:

Monday April 27th- Practice @ Fischer Park

Tuesday April 28th: Practice @ Fischer Park

Wednesday April 29th: Exhibition Game vs SJAM @ Fischer Park (or Sandhills)

 2015 Forest Heights Trojans Baseball Jersey

$35 + $5 (name)


2015 WCSSAA Varsity Boys Slopitch

 Revised Slopitch Schedule

Click Here

 Directions to Peter Hallman Ballyard

Directions to Budd Park

2015 Trojan Slopitch

WCSSAA Results 

FHCI     16     ESS     6

GRCI     11     FHCI     8

Final 2014 WCSSAA Standings

(click above) 

Trojan Slopitch 2014 Shattered Glass

Player of the Week Awards 

Week 1 Winners 

David Winger- P

 Brayden Lane- 3B

 Week 2  Winners 

 Alex Giannou- RF

 Vojislav Perkovic- C

 Week 3  Winners 

 Cassidy Wetlauffer-SS

 Ryan Hagey- CF

 2015 Preston Early Bird Tournament


 Friday May 8, 2015

(Click here)

Cambridge Icefields Food Options

(Click Here)

2015 Trojan Slo-pitch

Top 10 Checklist

1- 2014/2015 Student Activity card ($30.00)

2- ****$60.00 WCSSA Slo-pitch fee****

(Cheque made payable to FHCI Student Activities)

3- Permission form/FHCI Player Code of Conduct form.

***All forms go to Coach McIvor***

 4- Drive insurance form/permission to drive and accept ride

5- Trojan team shirt- $25.00 (cash only please)

***vets have 1st choice of numbers***

***gold undershirt (optional)***

***black hat (optonal)***

6- Trojan Slopitch- Under Armour Hoody (optional)

 ( $65.00- cash only please)

7- Baseball glove and cleats

(moulded plastic cleats only- see me if you need some loaners)

8- $10.00 entry fee for May 8, 2015 

Preston Early Bird tournament

(...we will need drivers for this tournament or the busing costs will be ours as well)

9- Make sure that you use the Contact Me tab above if you are going to be absent for any game or practice.

***Your game status depends on this***

10- Be sure to treat all of your coaches with respect at all times and remember that they are volunteering their time for your Trojan baseball program!

***11- Possibility of job action***

***Note to All Players***

Be sure to inform your coach of your absence for a game or a practice in advance. 

Your game status depends on this point!!!!!!

***Use the "Contact Me" tab on this page***

Extras Section

***Team and Individual Photos ***


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